80 Greenwich St
New York, New York 10006

3LD Art & Technology Center will present a return engagement of Reid Farrington's critically acclaimed performance installation. 'The Passion Project' is spun from the reels of the last great silent film, Carl Th. Dreyers 1928 masterpiece 'The Passion of Joan of Arc.' It explodes the film into three dimensions; placing the audience inside the film, sitting next to Joan, subjecting them to her interrogators and the relentless rhythm of 30mm film projection. Using a single live actor and multiple projection surfaces, 'The Passion Project' explores the intersection of performance and film. It uses Dreyers classic film as the main narrative along with the history behind the making of the film, a discussion with a Danish archivist, the story of making this project, and Joan's story; her trial, torture, and execution.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 15, 2009

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