2320 Grand Ave
Carthage, Missouri 64836

This Saturday will be another PC Workshop. If your computer is not running like it used to or not running at all, feel free to bring it in to the conference room between 9 and noon to let the tech team serve you. We can generally clean up viruses and spyware and other things that are causing you problems.

This is also a great opportunity to bring friends and neighbors who may not go to church or even have an interest in church. Nobody will preach at them or wonder why they don't go to church, we will simply hang out and get to know them. What this really does is help us establish a relationship with them and maybe help them to see Jesus through us.

Also, if you want to just come and hang out with us, that's cool too. We are just going to be having a good time together and playing with computers.

All you have to bring is your tower, we'll take care of the rest.

Official Website: http://tech.fairviewchristian.com

Added by jimwalton on March 5, 2008

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