3160 Gulf Beach Hwy
Pensacola, Florida 32507

The Perdido Key Wine and Art Festival is perfect for casual wine drinkers and seasoned connoisseurs. The event will include local artists and vendors, music and good times. Wine distributors and representatives will be available to answer detailed questions and learn about the origins of your favorite wines. This year the event has a new location and will be held outdoors behind the Sacred Heart Medical Group building off Gulf Beach Hwy. Enjoy two glasses-full events as part of this years Perdido Key Wine and Art Festival, which has an intimate VIP gathering 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Official Website: http://www.visitpensacola.com/listings/681/?event_id=22534#event_22534

Added by WhenCorp on March 12, 2013

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