3105 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, California 94705

La Pena Cultural Center will be displaying Pixel Quest 240, a show of recent work by members of Berkeley City College’s Digital Arts Club, December 2 – January 31. The work of this diverse group of 24 artists utilizes the cutting edge of technology in digital imaging and encompasses the abstract, the realistic and the surrealistic. An opening reception will be held on December 6, 2009 from 3 – 5 P.M. At all other times, the public is encouraged to call in advance to schedule a time to see the exhibit in the theater. The center is located at 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley. For more information, call La Pena at (510) 849-2568 or visit www.lapena.org and www.digitalartsclub.com.

Added by mc1342e on November 8, 2009



Amazing time! I loved that free products were passed out all night long, so my grab bag doubled in gifts. The vendors were great, I suggest checking out Sabon. And not to forget the free massages ; )

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