14918 Northwest Freeway
Houston, Texas 77040

*** SPECIAL ½ Price Cover For Couples On Saturday Nights. Couples Who Come Into Wish’s Club On Both Friday & Saturday Evening Of The Same Weekend Receive ½ Price Cover On Saturday Night! This is a special VIP Invitation for you to experience the best in Houston Nightlife for Sexy Couples….. Sensual Saturdays at Houston’s most sophisticated nightspot… Wish’s! Wish's is a special place for the discreet and daring to come share fantasies and adventures…or to just get away and enjoy a night out dancing! You'll find an intimate surrounding of comfortable sofas; softly lit tables and bubbling conversation with people just like you!! Visit www.Wishs.com to RSVP – Reservations always suggested!

Official Website: http://www.wishs.com

Added by Wishs on August 29, 2007

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