615 Church St
Nashville, Tennessee 37219

Shaped Poetry, edited by Glenn Todd, is a suite of 30 typographic prints, each on a different handmade paper in a wide range of typefaces and in a variety of colors.
From the companion volume by Glenn Todd: “Poems come in all shapes as well as sizes. In fact, many poems are shaped in representational images, like eggs, for example, and crosses and wings. Some are moulded into even odder shapes: a lute, a bottle, an elegant chalice, a gliding swan. And some do not stop with the presentation of a single, simple image: imagine a poem that depicts a battle; one that shows rain falling; one that maps the starry heavens; or one that pictures silence itself and further abstractions.”
Shaped Poetry is part of the Nashville Public Library’s Wilson Limited Editions Collection.

Added by Nashville Public Library on March 29, 2010

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