5411 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90016

Hey you lovers of Audio/Visual madness!

Join us this Saturday, October 21st at 8pm for our second share.LA. We're pulling together those who are working at the forefront of this A/V performance scene to come together and jam with each other.

You can watch, you can play a 'featured set' apart from everyone, or you can join in the unrestrained chaos that is a room full of audio and video artists going full throttle.

Our first meet was a blast - some pictures and video are available at http://share.la
Check out the site for full details on what to bring.

share.LA number two
8pm to midnight @ Basswerks
5411 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016

Also - we're looking for crew members to be a part of the core share.LA team. We can use help in the following departments:
* Equipment Donation (a bigger, better sound system)
* Setup/Tear Down (come early, leave late, drink plenty)
* Promotion
* Coordination/Planning

Drop an email to [email protected] if you can help grow this event!

Much thanks to share.Global for the support - see their website at http://share.dj for events like this in NYC, Montreal, San Diego, Wiesbaden, Stavanger and Melbourne.

Official Website: http://share.la

Added by momo_the_monster on October 19, 2006

Interested 1