1000 LaSalle Avenue, TMH 166
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Companies are constantly looking for ways to do their business better. Six Sigma techniques are proven strategies to make noticeable differences in all types of processes – not only reducing waste in manufacturing, but helping you better serve your customers.

The University of St. Thomas Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate program focuses on the application of Six Sigma techniques to less advanced projects than in a Black Belt-level program. This program will make you a gem for your current or future employer by:
• Teaching you how to apply Six Sigma concepts to service-related transactions.
• Enabling you to reduce defects in various processes.
• Empowering you to increase customer satisfaction, improve service and product reliability, and enhance financial performance.

You don’t need to manufacture millions of widgets per day to benefit from Six Sigma. It could make a great difference in your organization and you could create happier customers and management staff because of it.

Upcoming Offering:

March 20 - March 28, 2013
8 Full-Day Sessions

There are no prerequisites or pre-readings to enroll in this non-degree program.

Please visit the University of St. Thomas Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate website for more information or copy and paste the following URL: http://exed.stthomas.edu/SixSigmaGreenBeltTrainingMN .

Official Website: http://exed.stthomas.edu/SixSigmaGreenBeltTrainingMN

Added by ustcbe on August 5, 2009

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