2128 Portsmouth St.
Houston, Texas 77098

Single? Try speed dating!

You will be matched up with other singles for a series of speed dates. Our next event is on Feb. 8 at The Stag's Head Pub; however, we have many events for various age groups (or soon to be) posted on the website. It's the perfect place for a comfortable evening of speed dating! It's an easy & safe way to meet new people. After the event, you will log into your account and input your matches. When there is a match, the system will email both of you each other's contact information. It's private and very simple!

Seating is limited...sign up today!

Email [email protected] with any questions, or click the following link for more details and to register: http://www.ItsDateTime.com.

Official Website: http://www.ItsDateTime.com

Added by IDT Organizer on January 19, 2010

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