323 E 6th St
Austin, Texas 78701

Meetup in Austin during the SXSW conferences to put some faces to all the people we talk to on listservs all year. We'll help kick off SXSW 2008 right and give you a chance to meet other attendees from the education sector!

Come and go as you please as we'll be very close to other SXSWi opening parties!

Added by mherzber on February 28, 2008



i want to be there...have a good one


I'm not in higher ed anymore, but hooray for the event continuing!


I emailed a large number of people about this event who had "University" in their company title through the SXSW Registrant Directory. So I apologize now for the spam, but encourage you to spread the word!


looking forward to it.


Look forward to networking with other university geeks.