118 Palafox Pl
Pensacola, Florida 32502

In Rossinis most cherished comic classic, the impending wedding of the lovely Rosina has created chaos in the hearts of her suitors. The barber, Figaro, works tirelessly to help the love-struck Count wrest Rosina from her marriage to Dr. Bartolo. The characters disguise and transform themselves, confusing each other until they find that the world around them has become utter mayhem, heralded by Figaros famous aria, Largo al factotum. In the end, this musical comedy results in the happy marriage of young lovers upholding the virtues of love and faithfulness.

Official Website: http://www.visitpensacola.com/listings/1911/?event_id=19481#event_19481

Added by WhenCorp on January 24, 2013

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