1062 Valencia Street @ 22nd Street
Oakland, California 94611

One Performance only! Wednesday, April 23 @ 7:30 pm

The Marsh, 1062 Valencia Street @ 22nd Street in San Francisco.

Tickets are $8-12 Sliding Scale. To buy tickets call 1-800-838-3006 or visit www.themarsh.org

For more information, visit www.themarsh.org or call 415-826-5750

Her feet grip yoga mats; his hit the pavement at 0500 hrs for daily PT. His hair is shaved high and tight; hers grows long for the first time. They are both children of the same hippie-cum-yuppie parents. They are both trying to exercise their rights: his Second Amendment and her First. So she teaches middle school English and he is an army recon sniper. On November 7th, 2006, Liza's 19-year-old brother enlisted in the US Army. Not Hasbro's Real American Hero, Joe is a G.I. now. He's Government Issue. From boot camp to an imminent deployment in May, "American Joe" traces the back-and-forth connection and rejection between brother and sister, soldier and pacifist, warrior and writer. It is the story of the effect one life en route to battle has had on the lives around him. Joe is headed to Afghanistan in America 's war on terror and Liza is coming to the Marsh to tell her side of the story.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of urban.

Added by The Marsh on April 9, 2008

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