100 W 14th Ave Pkwy
Denver, Colorado 80204

A look inside one of the nations most extensive collections of psychedelic rock posters from the late 60s to early 70s.

Social hour with cash bar and complimentary appetizers followed by a lecture with, Darrin Alfred, who will discuss the museum’s current exhibition, The Psychedelic Experience: Rock Posters from the San Francisco Bay Area 1965-71. A viewing of the show will follow the lecture.

This event caps at 100 AIGA members and 50 CBCA members.
Questions? For AIGA please call 720.913.0047 for CBCA please call 303.282.5135

Thursday, April 16, 2009
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

RSVP: To purchase your tickets, please go to: www.blacktie-colorado.com/rsvp
and enter event code: AIGA or CBCAROCK
RSVP Deadline is 5pm April 15th - No Walk Ins

image credit.
Bonnie MacLean, Yardbirds, Doors, Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, 1967; Partial gift of David and Sheryl Tippit; partial purchase with Architecture, Design, and Graphics Department Acquisition Funds; and Volunteer Endowment Funds in honor of R. Craig Miller; © Bill Graham Archives, LLC.

Official Website: http://www.aigacolorado.org/blog/?p=103

Added by aigacolorado on April 11, 2009

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