250 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, California 90012

'The Rita and Taft Schreiber Collection,' a 1989 gift, features 18 superb abstract expressionist paintings, sculptures and drawings by 13 artists, including Alberto Giacometti, Arshile Gorky, Piet Mondrian and Jackson Pollock.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 22, 2009



Hé Jean-Christophe, Antoine just told me during a Guiness session, he'll be enthusiast to join us with this nice girl interested in building a MigrantCamp. Not sure of the word :-) but you know her.

I know Antoine is not a real geek but he could soon become one !


We are very much looking forward to this! Merci Beaucoup Christophe!


@ Xtof : no problemo !
@ Tara : have a nice stay in Paris ! Twitter us if you require any advice during the week-end :)


very happy to meet you all. Hope that Chris and Tara may help to fix the technical problem of the visual aggregator onto Barcamp's pbwiki: http://forums.pbwiki.com/viewtopic.php?p=14797
We may also imagine some connexion between OpenID, MicroFormats and that kind of visual aggregator?


I'm really sad to have missed this one...