1 Plough Place,
London, England EC4A 1DE

On Friday 3rd April, all participants of the Third Sector Edge programme are invited to NESTA's offices for the finale of the programme. It will be a very exciting day for all involved, with Future of Work dicussion groups, one on one consultations and mentoring as well as School Team presentations to find out which Team has had the greatest impact on the Third Sector...

Who should attend?

Pupils (either Year 12 or 13) who have been selected (maximum of 10 per school/college).

School teachers from participating schools or colleges (e.g. Head teachers, heads of sixth form, coordinators for WRL, enterprise, etc.)

Selected SIFE students (maximum of four per team)

Social Entrepreneurs


Business Guests

There is a limited number of space for the Awards Day, attendance is by Invitation Only. If you have not been invited but would like to attend, please email [email protected] to register your interest in attending. If we have space, we will then invite you to register.

The draft programme is as follows:

08.30: SIFE student registration

09.30: Pupil, Teacher and Guest registration (the teacher and guest registration will run all day)

10.00: Introduction and Opening Session

11.00: Future of Work Focus Groups, One on One Consultations and a Break.

13.00: Lunch

14.00: Team Presentations, One on One Consultations and Team Interviews

16.00: Awards and Closing Plenary

16.30: Formal close

16.30 - 17.30: Networking reception

Pupils should aim to arrive between 09.30 and 09.45 for a prompt start at 10.00.

Please note, each school/college is invited to bring up to 10 pupils.

SIFE students should aim to arrive by 08.30 for a pre-training day briefing

School teachers are invited to attend the whole day, however if this is not possible we would encourage you to join us for lunch followed by the teacher meeting at 2pm.

Judges should aim to arrive by 13.00 for lunch and expect to stay until at least 16.30 when there will be a networking reception. There will be a Judge Briefing at 13.45 and the presentations will start at 14.00.

To register to attend please select the appropriate ticket, and then click on 'Register now' at the top of this page.

To find out more about the Third Sector Edge programme click here for more information or contact Jon Harper.

Organized by FF, UnLtd World, SIFE UK, JGP & NESTA
Future Foundations (FF) are pioneers in providing training and support services for school pupils, students and graduates which bridge the gaps between education and the working world.

Its programmes range from summer schools helping sixth formers from state schools gain access to top universities, to design and delivery of enterprise training for Vodafones Take A Chance programme, through to a roadshow which broadens university students understanding of the options available to them post university.


Jon Harper
Operations Director and Project Lead for the Third Sector Edge Programme

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.future-foundations.co.uk


UnLtdWorld is an online platform that connects social entrepreneurs and empowers the way insight and information are shared, and exchanged, within the social enterprise sector and market.

UnLtdWorld is supported by UnLtd - the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs. UnLtd's mission is to reach out and unleash the energies of people who can transform the world in which they live. We call these people social entrepreneurs. Find out more at www.unltdworld.com


NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts - a unique and independent body with a mission to make the UK more innovative.

More information about NESTA can be found at www.nesta.org.uk


JGP (Jobs Go Public) is the leading provider of web-based talent management solutions. More information about JGP can be found at: http://www.jgp.co.uk/

Ticket Info:  
  • SIFE student, Free
  • Teacher, Free
  • Social Entrepreneur, Free
  • Business Guest, Free
  • Year 12 or 13 pupil, Free
  • Judge (Invited), Free

Official Website: http://thirdsectoredgeawardsday-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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