1000 5th Ave
New York, New York 10028

This installation presents approximately forty highlights from the Museum's extensive permanent collection of rare and exquisitely decorated armor, weapons and equestrian equipment from Tibet and related areas of Mongolia and China, dating from the eighth to the twentieth century. Included are several recent acquisitions that have never before been exhibited or published.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 23, 2011



Check out Witch's Mark's Site: They have a Bio, hear their Musick, Upcoming Events, Photos, and you can contact them. They have a new CD out.
Blessed Be!


Rev. Paula Johnson, Circle Sanctuary's Coordinator, Pentacles for Pagan Troops, and Operation Circle Care, http://www.circlesanctuary.org/ministries/military/, will be facilitating a special ritual blessing for Pagan Soldiers and Veterans as well as a community working on Pagan Pride Day to bless donated Pentacles that will be sent to deployed Pagan troops in warzones.
Please bring a Pentacle to donate along with other small items to contribute to Circle Sanctuary's ongoing efforts to send care packages to deployed Pagan troops in cooperation with the Ft. Lauderdale Florida CUUPS group. Rev. Johnson can be reached at 954-471-1435.