2007 Bert Avenue
Austin, Texas 78704

The Usual Error is a unique series of workshops about communication and problem solving, presented by Kyeli, Pace, and Serafina Smith. It's an interactive discussion where we present the many ways the three of us communicate -- not just with each other, but with our friends and with the world at large; tried and true methods of successful interaction that work very well for us and are easy to learn, integrate, and implement!

How is this different from other communication workshops?
This isn't some list of well-meaning but impractical techniques that you'd feel embarrassed to use in your daily life. (Yeah, we've read those books, too.) These are things that people are actually using every day to enhance and improve their communication skills, and in some cases greatly improve or even save their personal relationships. We present useful information in a way that's easy for you to remember and easy to apply in your every day life.

Is this for me?
* Do you sometimes wish people would just get what you're saying?
* Are the lines of communication at your workplace clogged up?
* Do you ever end up getting into arguments that you later regret?
* Do you get frustrated at feeling like you don't know what your partner really wants from you?

If so, this workshop will help improve things for you! We'll show you some ways to make each of these situations better.

This Saturday, May 12th from 4pm to 6pm, we will be presenting 'Turning Conflict into Communication'. The topics are:

* "The next time I ask for $1000, just give me two veggie burgers instead!"
* we're on the same team
* define your terms
* what did you intend?
* meta-communication
* memory
* we get to pick
* giving permission to disappoint

'Turning Conflict into Communication' is a lively, entertaining, and interactive workshop designed for easy understanding and immediate real-life application! Conflict is a fact of life. People interacting will inevitably find themselves squaring off against each other sometimes. But there are ways to defuse an argument, or even head it off before it starts, and turn it into something that can actually solve the underlying problem without having to go through all the conflict first. We'll show you how!

The workshop is FREE, with an entirely optional contribution of up to $20.

We will be at the Human Potential Center (www.HumanPotentialCenter.org). The workshop begins at 4pm and ends at roughly 6pm, this Saturday, May 12th. Seats are LIMITED, so please register in advance by emailing [email protected] or by calling the center at (512)441-8988.

For more details, or to sign up for our mailing list to be notified of future Usual Error events, visit UsualError.com

Official Website: http://usualerror.com

Added by Kyelikins on May 7, 2007



I want ya'll to know that I went to my schedule specifically to find out which conference panels I would be missing -- because there was no way I was going to miss THIS workshop for conference panels, no matter the conference -- and although it just so happened that I wouldn't miss anything, I was armed and ready! :P