121 106th Avenue NE
Bellevue, Washington 98004

Do you really understand your business economics?

What is more important? - Profit or Cash-Flow? Learn how to get control of both, and maintain a sustainable business.


This workshop will provide you with a tool to manage costs and a method to analyze your cost decisions.

Using it, you can answer questions such as:

* What additional sales will I need to cover the rent increase my landlord is proposing?
* If I raise prices, how much can my sales drop before my profits are affected?
* If sales drop (in a recession, for example), how much do I need to cut fixed costs to maintain my current level of profit?
* If I cut my price, what additional sales will I have to make in order to maintain my current profit level?

The knowledge you will gain from this workshop can help you increase your life-time income by hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars. $,$$$,$$$

This is a 2+hour workshop (including lite lunch). Application of the techniques demonstrated will enable you to instantly increase your daily profits.

Read comments from past attendees at That Sales Guy's workshops.

You can join Biznik for Free to RSVP for this workshop.

Official Website: https://biznik.com/events/understanding-your-business-economics-

Added by Howard Howell on November 24, 2008