1965 Main Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

OK everybody... Its here... Its bigger, badder and geekier than ever!

VGO V2. NO EMULATORS! - Saturday May 20th Video In Studios-1965 Main Street

even more systems (14+), 4 projectors, more televisions (12 +), less
couches (but nicer ones), 3 DJ's (CFRO's own PRIVATE DANCERS!), one
tent, and more than one girl guaranteed! Finally, putting FUN back in

Sega master system, Atari 2600, Intellivision, Nintendo, Famicom,
Superfamicom, SNS, Nintendo 64, Playstation 1 and 2, genesis, and A
WHOLE WACK more i cant think of right now!

have a system you want to bring? let me know ahead of time and we ll
try to set up a spot for you. have games? bring 'em! (label 'em

video games start at 8pm. we managed a full 12 hour marathon last
time.... we ll see what happens....

$3-20 sliding scale.

Added by markyuasa on May 4, 2006