3601 Lyon St.
San Francisco, California 94123

Virtual Unreality
Interactive Digital Artworks Using Game Technology
Three Internationally-Known Artists Embrace the Unreality of Virtual Spaces

Opening Reception: September 13
September 14 through January 6, 2008

Our world is edging more and more towards digital environments. What are the societal and cultural implications? Does it change the way we think? The way we feel? Virtual Unreality, a new interactive exhibition in the Exploratorium's Seeing Gallery, brings together three digital artworks by internationally-known artists that use game technology to explore the unreality of virtual landscapes. The works are Life Spacies II by Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau,
Scalable City by Sheldon Brown, and Oceans (2000-2007) by Dan Torop.

Virtual Unreality presents artworks that use the inherent unreal nature of these environments to create urban and suburban landscapes, undulating seascapes, and strange, never-before-seen creatures that plunge us into new worlds. The new worlds, by implication, are both inside the artwork and in our everyday world -- that is, in the ways such worlds ultimately redefine and alter our perception, understanding, expectations and interactions with our everyday world.

Official Website: http://www.exploratorium.edu/pr/documents/07-9Virtual.html

Added by Raphael Rosen on September 7, 2007