2800 Grove Ave
Richmond, Virginia 23221

Friday Films: Great Women of the Screen
Friday Films for August celebrate all women in the arts. Featured artists include stars of the past and current-day legends-in-the making, all of whom elevate and enlighten the movies in which they appear.

Orlando (1992) | PG-13 | 93 minutes
Starring Tilda Swinton, Billy Zane, Quentin Crisp
Directed by Sally Potter
Based on the novel by Virginia Woolf, this film features Tilda Swinton as Orlando, a young Elizabethan nobleman turned modern-day female. While traversing through centuries of British history and outliving generations of British nobility, he seeks the truth about life, love, and approaching one's own gender.

Official Website: http://www.vmfa.museum/Calendar_and_Events/Films/Orlando.aspx

Added by janine.rvanews on August 3, 2010