406 W 17th St
Austin, Texas 78701

This goes out to all writers, editors, scribes, hacks, journalists, flacks, tech writers, copywriters, publishers, you name it. We work with words, and so do you, and that's why we're bringing the Writing Mafia back after a long hiatus.

This time, we come bearing a LinkedIn Group, with 135 members...128 of them in such exotic locales as Atlanta (aaah), Bangalore (oooh), and, well, you get the idea.

Let's get together for beer and good times. We can geek out about writing, bitch about our crappy clients, gossip about folks who aren't present (and even some who are), catch up with old friends, make new friends, get (re)acquainted, et cetera, et cetera. Oh yeah, did I mention beer?

For those of you on LinkedIn, feel free to join the Writing Mafia group.

See you at the Dog & Duck!

If you have questions, feel free to call Tom Myer (that's me) at 512.750.3835.

Added by myerman on July 31, 2008