1808 Florida Avenue NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20009

It seems as of lately there is always something going on. From BarCamp to DevCamp, to WordCamp to SocialDevCamp to UseTwitterToProfitAndRetireEarlyCamp – so, we decided it’s time to fill the void and take it up a notch. We’re throwing a party, but since we know you won’t come out if it isn’t a “camp” of some sort, so we are throwing a “beer camp”!

No sponsors, no t-shirts, no presentations and definitely no business cards – it’s just beer, lots and lots of beer. Join us on Saturday, July 18th, and party in < style > -- rant, rave (no glow sticks please) and try and keep up. And of course we’ll have plenty of soda for the non-drinkers – we’ll even have some of the hard stuff for the non-beer drinkers (rumor is Jello-shots will be available as well).

Bring friends, come early, stay late and definitely have a good time.

Official Website: http://nclud.com/event/beercamp/

Added by mringlein on June 15, 2009