Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, New York 11238

One hundred years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Dr. Martin Luther King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to express his dismay that the United States had made so little progress toward the civil rights of his people and to articulate his determination to effect change. His famous "I Have A Dream" speech evoked an inspiring vision of an America in which race was not a barrier to full human development, equal rights, and democracy.

In honor of Dr. King's birthday, Brooklyn Public Library invites teen and adult patrons to submit their own "I Too Have A Dream" speech, expressing their personal visions and aspirations for a better community, a better country, a better world, or a better future. Selected authors will be invited to read their entries aloud on Sunday, January 15, 2006, at 2 PM.

Please submit a short essay (up to 200 words), along with your email address and daytime phone number to the Programs and Exhibitions Department by December 28th. All essays must be submitted in advance. If your essay is selected by the judges, you will be notified by January 6th.

Please submit entries regular mail:

Attn: "I Too Have A Dream" Program
Programs and Exhibitions Dept.
Brooklyn Public Library
431 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Or via email: [email protected]

Please remember to include your email address and daytime phone number so we can contact you if your essay is selected.

ENTRIES DUE: December 28, 2005

PUBLIC READING: Sunday, January 15, 2006, 2 PM

LOCATION: Central Library, Grand Army Plaza, Second Floor Meeting Room

TELEPHONE: 718-230-2100

DIRECTIONS: Take the 2 or 3 train to the Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum station. Walk downhill toward Grand Army Plaza. The entrance to the library is on the left.

Added by BPLMarketing on December 5, 2005