601 Townsend (corner of 7th Street)
San Francisco, California

Have you ever tried to find a computer without something Adobe installed (Flash, Reader, Photoshop, and so on)? It's not so easy. Here's your chance to get the inside look at how Adobe encourages Rich Internet Application innovation and check out some of the companies developing on the Adobe platform. Take a look at AIR, the new way to use web technologies (Ajax/Flash/Flex) to develop desktop applications.

Submit anything cool you've built using any part of the Adobe environment (Flash, Flex, AIR) and you may just get featured during the event. The best Ajax application deployed on AIR wins a prize. Adobe's not saying what it is, but it's going to be good. Email your submission to [email protected] by 11:59pm on 9/11/2007 to be considered. (The best way to submit contest entries is a link to your application. *.air attachments have been having trouble getting through.)

Adobe Labs (http://labs.adobe.com)
Adobe Developer Center (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/)

Official Website: http://www.lunch20.com

Added by John Shapiro on August 30, 2007