236 E. 3rd St betw Ave. B and C
New York City, New York 10009

In this life, we make friends, love, ruckus, war, enemies, frenemies, and so much more.

But what about making peace?

On April 8th, The Moth is joining forces with The Satya Graha Forum to host a StorySLAM on this very topic. Satya Graha, commonly translated as “Truth Force,” is the name Mahatma Gandhi gave to his movement of social change through nonviolence. We’ll give you five minutes and a microphone to tell us a story about the laying down of arms, extending the olive branch, surrendering to the greater good, or fighting the fierce battle for an even playing ground. Stories of all manner of amity welcome – peace with a nation, a neighbor, or a notion.

Simply show up, throw your name in the hat, and tell us how you gave peace a chance.

$6 at door

For more information, visit www.themoth.org. To learn more about the Satya Graha Forum, visit www.satya-graha.org.

Official Website: http://www.themoth.org

Added by nikjc on March 17, 2008